Description: Music and sound commissioned by Dr. Kate Sicchio for ACCESS: Artist and Science Collaborations at the New York Hall of Science. Performances will occur daily at 12:30 and 2:30pm December 27-30th.
Event page for December 28th:
Kate Sicchio -
ACCESS 2017 is inspired by NYSCI’s vintage exhibition, Mathematica: A World of Numbers, designed by Charles and Ray Eames, which is comprised of kinetic and static exhibit pieces that demonstrate a range of mathematical concepts. The goal of ACCESS 2017 is to highlight the research and interests of a local mathematician-researcher via commissioned artists. This year's commissioned ACCESS artists, Dr. Kate Sicchio and the art collective Gigantic Mechanic, will be working with Mathematician Dr. Angelika Manhart to create interactive installations, workshops, performances and/or games/experiences to be installed/performed at the museum between late December 2017 and January 2018.