New York Modular Society’s 5 Year Anniversary and Expo
I’m performing a set (vocals + electronics/live coding) at New York Modular Society’s 5 Year Anniversary and Expo at Culture Lab
I’m performing a set (vocals + electronics/live coding) at New York Modular Society’s 5 Year Anniversary and Expo at Culture Lab
LiveCodeNYC at the Harvestworks Art and Technology Program on Governors Island
Building 10A, Nolan Park
Two weekends of events and exhibition, opening April 26th and closing May 5th
Free and open to the public Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (11am-5pm)
Performances daily at 3pm. Workshops, talks, and presentations on Saturdays and Sundays at 1pm.
For more details, visit: https://www.harvestworks.org/livecodenyc2024-apr-26-may-5/
I am the main producer/organizer for this event, working alongside Cameron Alexander and Eric Lee (Co-Organizers/Producers) and Fuguo Xue (Stage Manager and Web Editor.)
Big thank you to Carol at Harvestworks for her generosity and openness with us!
I’m performing in February’s Brooklyn Experimental + Electronic Music Showcase at Wonderville
More details here: https://www.wonderville.nyc/events/beem-february-2024
New Year's Eve Ball at Brooklyn Art Haus. Live coding. Circus performers. etc.
Visit here for more details and tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/new-years-eve-ball-at-brooklyn-art-haus-tickets-779600495067
I’m co-organizing this year’s workshop with Kofi Oduro and Kate Sicchio.
“Live coding is not a genre. Live coding is boundless.
Hybrid Live Coding Interfaces 2023: Boundless Thinking invites practitioners of live coding and those that are adjacent to submit proposals for lightning talks, mini-performances, speculations/ponderings, and/or art works. In this call, we are interested in proposals that explore and/or discuss live coding beyond typical genres and disciplines - where live code bleeds into other forms, fictions and fantasy.
Boundless thoughts. Boundless potential. Boundless signals. Boundless software. Boundless programs. Boundless loops. Boundless feedback. Infinite results. Infinite conversations. Is there an edge? Where are we now? Where will we go?”
The conference will take place online December 11-December 12th.
Full Schedule is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GG51HdOYz8uvEkvTfeRNhFCXHV2wSCWPerGRF3nxJVE/edit#heading=h.6g7tkskmy20n
Full Details are here: https://hybrid-livecode.pubpub.org/workshop2023
I’ll be performing at series at Mama Tried where musicians/sound artists perform while amplfying the BQE.
More details here: https://mamatriedbk.com/upcoming-events/bouquets-duets-w-the-bqe
I’m performing in September’s Brooklyn Experimental + Electronic Music Showcase at Wonderville
More details here: https://www.wonderville.nyc/events/beem-september-2023
I’m performing a set of music at Wonderville with other local/experimental musicians at a showcase organized by Tiers La Familia
I’ll be performing a set of live coded music on a bill featuring music using experimental techniques for DAWs
I’m playing a set of live coded music at the Queer Coded algorave at Wonderville
I am organizing Regen Circuit, a residency for LiveCode.NYC at Harvestworks on Governor's Island. I will also present an introduction to live coding, perform in MYLAR with Caitlin Cawley, and perform a solo set featuring vocals and live looping. This event is free and open to the public.
I have works on display and performances during Codie's 2023 gallery show, Alone | Together, at Virginia Commonwealth University's Depillars Gallery
I’ll be performing a live code set of music at this year’s New Music Gathering 2021
Visit here to watch online (live stream), for more details, and a full schedule to the event:
I’ll be teaching a workshop series on Getting Started with Max/MSP at Music Hackspace during July. These workshops are free but require sign-up ahead of time.
Dates & Times: Wednesdays 7th / 14th / 21st / 28th July 6pm UK / 7pm Berlin / 10am LA / 1pm NYC
Visit this link for more details: https://musichackspace.org/events/getting-started-with-max-july-series/
Will be discussing my role as a designer/fabricator/developer in “Women’s Labor”, a project directed by Jocelyn Ho that repurposes old tools associated to women, as part of the “Music Performance Studies Today” series by UCLA.
I’ll be teaching a workshop on TidalCycles at Music Hackspace. This workshop will include an introduction to various live coding technologies and artists and is meant for beginners interested in live coding.
I’ll be discussing my experiences teaching live coding at an online unsymposium called “Learning to Teach Creative Technologies Remotely,” hosted by IDM at NYU Tandon. This event runs from 1/22-1/23. I’ll be presenting sometime between 11am-12:30pm on Saturday, 1/23. More details at: https://wp.nyu.edu/ltt2021/
I’ll be presenting a virtual room created in Mozilla Hubs as part of the Digiana Virtual Art Fair. Throughout the event, artists will be premiering rooms that they created for the exhibition.
On 1/13/20 (Wed), my room will be opening to the public. At 9PM, a live performance will occur in this virtual space.
Link to the event: http://digianagroup.com/
I’ll be speaking on a panel about art and technology presented by bespoken and the International Contemporary Ensemble.
Caitlin Cawley and co-organized a show at Babycastles!
Will be presenting a sculpture as part of the NY DigiAna Exhibition at CJ.One Gallery. One view March 5-14th.
Performing at ICLC 2020 in an algorave set with Codie and as a solo sound artist.
Live coding at Arete Gallery. Hosted by WISE: Women Innovating Sound Experience; A community supporting women-identified artists working in sonic & media arts; expanding use of technology, time and space.
I’ll be performing a set of audiovisual works.
Event page:
Will be doing livecoded visuals at Hex90, a queer hacker salon party at Wonderville
Algorave at Wonderville with LivecodeNYC. I’ll be playing a set with GG_GINA.
“Cower in the presence of spooky live coded music, cursed visuals, and the software of the damned at Livecode.NYC's Halloween show”
Event page: https://www.wonderville.nyc/events/nightofthelivingcode
Tickets: https://withfriends.co/event/2610623/night_of_the_living_code
Andrew Yoon and I co-organized a show featuring a bunch of our friends in a basement in Brooklyn.
Link to the official event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/384219179178999/
I’ll be performing a set of audiovisual works.
Event page:
Members of the NYC Composer Collective present a series of eclectic premieres, ranging from art song to melodica orchestra to live coded synths. Featuring new pieces by Felix Jarrar, Zachary James Ritter, Kalun Leung, Melody Loveless, Sequoia Sellinger, and Andrew Yoon, with performances by the composers and guests Savannah Greene, Tyler Neidermeyer, Lara Lewison, Jonah Udall, Nicole Davis, and more.
Learn more about the collective and its members at https://nyccomposercollective.org/
Link to event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1218810411624370/
I’m a performing a set with Char Stiles on an algorave at Wonderville with livecode.nyc
For tickets and more information, visit https://www.wonderville.nyc/events/algorave-at-wonderville-with-livecodenyc