Memory Room

A generative sound inspired by the soundscape of Iceland and memory. This work was made during a residency at Gamli Skoli, a residency in the countryside in Iceland during the summertime. To create this piece, I would pivot between collecting field recordings while taking long walks under the midnight sun and coding during the day time. The work features field recordings and samples of myself singing. Some of these melodic phrases were taken while on walks. I would improvise while listening to the environment - sometimes mimicking birds or looking at the shape of a mountain while making sounds.

I was contemplating a lot about about memory and simulation while creating this piece - and I often use processes in work as a way to express ideas. In this work, some of these metaphors include:

  • Constantly shifting soundscapes replace the previous samples and their buffers before being plugged into new randomized systems, representing the fluidity of memory and way memories shift according to context over time.

  • A hidden yet distorted song is broken into fragments is occasionally triggered, alluding to sudden moments of remembrance.

  • By highly altering the audio using various types of audio processing techniques (birds made to sound underwater, stretching out voices, etc) and juxtaposing field recordings with simulations masquerading as nature (static imitating the ocean), I aim to highlight reality by contrasting it with simulation and illusion.

“Memory Room” was shared in Gamli Skoli (June 2018) decorated in artifacts found in nature and the space itself. It featured work by fellow artist-in-residence and visual artist Rebecca Pempek on the walls.

This work was made in Max/MSP.